Scot Spencer is a name some of us will remember as one of the sordid players in commercial aviation.
Spencer and co-investors purchased Braniff II from the Hyatt family in the late 1980s and proceeded to run it into bankruptcy. Out of those ashes rose Braniff III, which promptly also went into bankruptcy. Spencer and some of the same co-investors wound up convicted of bankruptcy fraud. The US Department of Transportation banned Spencer from commercial aviation. It’s been assumed by many that this meant airlines but others believed the ban was much broader.
After serving his time, Spencer wound up in San Bernadino (CA), running another airline (which DOT shut down) and incredibly, this smooth-talker wound up managing the former Norton AFB for a transition to a civilian airport with a goal of commercial airline service.
It is simply astounding that the airport manager continues to support Spencer.
Google News has many stories about the current scandal, which took on increased emphasis with the issuance of a highly critical Grand Jury report. The stories make for remarkably–and remarkably sad–reading.
You might want to look at the most recent news concerning Scot Spencer. The FBI has raided the San Bernardino airport and Spencer’s house as part of a joint task force corruption probe. The SBIA director resigned in the wake of the raid.
Further, a grand jury recently handed down a report from an auditor that was intensely critical of Spencer’s involvement at SBIA, and other SBIA actions. Looks like the chickens are finally coming home to roost.
And ten years later, he’s still up to his old tricks, snout in the trough.