The Washington Research Council today (April 14) issued an eight page analysis entitled, “What if Boeing Left Washington?” The PDF file may be found here.
The WRC is a local, Seattle-based conservative think tank that focuses on economic issues in the state. The report was issued through its Washington Alliance for a Competitive Economy affiliate (WashACE).
Among the findings:
- There would be four indirect jobs lost for every Boeing job lost should Boeing move from Washington. If Boeing Commercial Airplanes moved its production from Renton and Everett, along with associated company jobs, totalling 72,000, then the state would have a total job loss of 285,000.
- Housing prices would fall by as much as 6.5% by 2030.
- Statewide personal income would drop by about 9%.
- WashACE looks at two scenarios, an immediate withdrawal by 2013 or a phased withdrawal over 10 years.
The economic impact to Washington if Boeing leaves the state is dramatic.
It is a serious mistake for Washington to pander to Boeing to the extent that it ignores diversification of it’s economy.
They can give Boeing all they want, and it won’t matter, if they choke off small business and start-ups in non aerospace industries.
AIG and Lehman Brother “to big to fail”?
Well Boeing is being charachterized as “To big to allow to leave”. You deal with that by making the business environment more attractive generally, not just for aerospace.
Unwise to allow it that much power over public policy. The only thing worse than what is going on would be to declare Boeing it’s own legislative district, and give it it’s own seats in the state legislature, including a few prime comittee chairmanships.
Boeing never just spells out what it wants, nor does it make any commitments in return.The whole methodology stinks. The whole matter is handled in an opaque manner, via proxies and oblique political manuever. And what Washington recieves in return hardly amounts to a secure or closer relationship with Boeing. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if Boeing got everything it wanted, and still left.
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