Update, Feb. 10: Looks like we stumped you on the Mystery Photo above. (We’ll take our victories where we can.)
This is a Soviet K-7 bomber designed before WW II. Never went into production.
While you are trying to figure out the above, below is another graveyard video for you.
Not mystery photo, just entertainment, below.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBlQg1k8XOo&w=420&h=315]And then there is this, via @airbusintheus (and no, this isn’t a mystery photo)
convair 880
Convair 990
To me, the mystery is how do you turn that half-inch-square thumbnail into anything viewable? Zooming in on it only converts it into a mudpie of expanded pixels… (The commenters above are, I’m assuming, responding to the larger photo from the Mojave graveyard video.)
Nothing we can do about the Mystery photo, which is indeed the little thumbnail. The video is NOT the mystery photo. It’s just entertainment.
I’ll say a Convair 990 Coronado as well.
That is the graveyard video. The mystery pic is the small griddy picture above 😉
Aviation related?
.. Seattle Prison ;-?
The thumbnail indeed is aviation-related.
Reminds me on the air intake of a RQ-170 Sentinel UAV.
me too..
Neither RQ-170 nor F-117, the respeictve grids are more squarish.
Is that an A380 stranded at Logan this morning? 😉
Everyone should have a beached whale for a decoration ?
just like in olden times : http://www.foehrer-feriendomizil.de/BILDER/FOTOS/PICT0940.JPG
Is the weather on the east coast actually “normalising”?
After Sandy now is Nemo. The latest storm is now over but the shovelling is just starting! Logan was buried under 24.9 inches of snow. But they have the experience and the equipment, so the airport is now reopened and flights have resumed.
For the mystery: My guess is a thrust reverser cascade, perhaps on the airliner seen with one reverser deployed at the beginning of the video.
The Mojave Aircraft Graveyard video remined me of a UK Channel 4 Ident.
Channel 4 are synonymous for their creative Idents, an appropriate aeronautical related example here.
Highly digitaly enhanced the delight is in the added detail, one aspect all Channel $ idents include is the numeral 4 which in this instance for the eagle eyed cleverly occures at twenty five seconds mid frame at ground level, enjoy.
Mystery pic 10, certainly of Scottish heritage, looks like part of the Kilt I wore at my brothers wedding in Ayr.
Never saw that one before. It’s really impressive! Where did you find that treasure Scott?
Ha, I knew I had seen it somehwere
K7 Bomber for WWII, my foot.;-)
This was an internet hoax,
taking cues from the “real” K7 bomber:
a rather well done hoax imho:
just like the helicopter hotel
I have been had. I want my money back! 😉
We are so sorry, but … no refunds 😉
As it is there are some very well done hoaxes around
including these two I brought up.
Sorry, Scott – but you mislabeled the quiz. Ain’t no photo.
apropos video links to aircraft p**n:
for current affairs, a smile and a hat dip to Jonathan Swift see: