Damn, you readers are good. But no, we didn’t take the photo. We also thought you might have guessed the Comet, from which the Caravelle got its cockpit.
Got to be a twin engine airplane. Maybe a B-737-100/-200 or a DC-9. The two top gauges in the center column look like EPR gauges, making this airplane a P&W powered jet.
Sud Aviation Caravelle … and I think that Scott took the photo in Toulouse during a visit of the Ailes Anciennes collection (http://www.aatlse.org). I must admit this is a difficult one. Thankfully I took loads of pictures from the AATLES Caravelle myself and could compare! 😉
Busy one, Concorde?
New battery temperature control panel for the 787?
I love this response! Scott
Who says Germans don’t have humour?
Haha, was about to post the same thing. It’s the lower third of the proposed Flight Engineer’s panel.
Got to be a twin engine airplane. Maybe a B-737-100/-200 or a DC-9. The two top gauges in the center column look like EPR gauges, making this airplane a P&W powered jet.
Well spotted, if this is indeed the Mercure.
Perhaps something exotic – Dassault Mercure
Sud Aviation Caravelle … and I think that Scott took the photo in Toulouse during a visit of the Ailes Anciennes collection (http://www.aatlse.org). I must admit this is a difficult one. Thankfully I took loads of pictures from the AATLES Caravelle myself and could compare! 😉
Yep, dow to the position of the fingers on the gauges 🙂
Transal C-160 ??
No it’s a Sud Aviation SE-210 Caravelle… check also: http://www.airliners.net/photo/Air-Toulouse-International/Sud-SE-210-Caravelle/1412564/L/&sid=0b7fbc9c901c6062c3d3f9f006adff72
If I am right that Scott took the photo in Toulouse, it is the F-GHMU.
SE-210 Caravelle 10B3 Super B
Is it Concorde?