OK, how about this one? Sorry about the size.
Carvair is correct. We thought some might say the Douglas DC-7C since the tail of the Carvair is often thought to be from the DC-7C.
Meantime below is entertainment (not the Mystery Photo):
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeErkOE46hM&w=560&h=315]
I love airplanes too much to watch that video. Thanks, but no thanks. 🙁
No sure if we can call this entertainment. I find it rather sad. 🙁
I fly 767s for a living. I couldn’t finish it.
I like the rest of your content… Keep up the rest of your work!
Mystery 13 photo — CL44 tail is my guess.
Second guess — Comet or Caravelle tail.
heads or tails ;-?
actually my question should be : wingtip or tail !?
Looks like the fin of an ATL-98 Carvair
It looks like the Carvair might have been a source of inspiration for the 747. 😉
Super Guppy. Probalbly one of the Airbus Skylink ones.
Seem to be the only nude metal tails around?
Photo taken in Toulouse ( or XFW ) ?
Hurrah to me 🙂