Our eagle-eye readers are sure to get this one. What airplane is this?

UWE got it correct. It’s the Boeing 314 replica at the Foynes Flying Boat Museum.

We were there last week on our European trip, including a stop in Dublin. Foynes is a three hour drive west.
DC-3 – left engine
Well is a fixed pitch prop and the engine leaks, so probably British!
Bristol monoplane?
So you are not mislead, it is not a fixed pitch prop. It just looks like one.
If I lighten up the dark cylinder area I can count 12 cylinders.
whoever did a 12 (or 24…) cylinder radial engine?
Boeing Model 247.
he, gotcha:
That makes it a Boeing 314- not too sure where located when photo was taken
Another view http://www.museumofflight.org/event/pan-am-and-boeing-model-314
More on the 314
FWIW if one reads the writeup – it mentions that there are NO model 314 planes now in existance.
That color photo must have been very old !!
Damn, you people are good!
Do i came late? In my opinion is an early boeing 247
Goodman Goodman quest. Congratulation
i donot know the name of this plan..
May I recommend some reading: “Night over water” by Ken Follet. The 314 is the main setting for the book, they even land in Foynes…
Actually took me a bit to make the connection.
This is the public attraction at the Flying Boat Museum in Foynes , Republic of Ireland.
A rather simplistic ( i.e. 10cyl radial ..) partial replica. I’ve been there a couple of years ago and had tipped of our host about the place. http://www.flyingboatmuseum.com