August 9, 2024, ©. Leeham News: We do an article series about engine development. The aim is to understand why engine development now has longer timelines than airframe development and carries larger risks of product maturity problems.
To understand why engine development has become a challenging task, we need to understand engine fundamentals and the technologies used for these fundamentals.
We have covered the problem areas of (Figure 1) compression in the compressor and combustion. Now, we look at the power-generating section, the turbines.
After the combustor, which produces large volumes of high-pressure gas, we have the turbines, where, for all engines but jet engines, most of the gas energy is extracted to shaft power (jet engines use a lot of the gas energy to accelerate to high speed in the exhaust nozzle, thus creating thrust).
To extract the power efficiently, the turbine is divided into two sections for most engines, the High Pressure Turbine section and the Low Pressure Turbine section, Figure 2
The High-Pressure Turbine (HPT) drives the High-Pressure Compressor via its common high-pressure turbine shaft. The Low-Pressure Turbine drives the Low-Pressure Compressor, often called a Booster, in a two-shaft turbofan engine. It also drives the fan in such an engine (for three-shaft engines, the fan has its own turbine). That’s why the Low-Pressure Turbine has more stages and a larger diameter than the High-Pressure Turbine.
The larger diameter gives a higher blade tip speed for a low shaft RPM, which is needed as the fan needs a low shaft RPM to avoid supersonic tips at cruise RPM (and thus losing fan efficiency). The blades’ high tip speed also efficiently converts turbine pressure to shaft power.
The working method of the turbine stage is essentially the reverse of the compressor stage (Figure 3). The expansion of the combustor gases is accelerated through the High-Pressure Nozzle Guide Vanes (Figure 2) to hit the HPT blades at about Mach 1, which is 2,800km/h or 1,750mph due to the high temperatures at the HPT stage.
The principle of the turbine stage can be either the Impulse Turbine, which uses the water wheel principle to consume all speed and thus pressure of the stream, or the reaction turbine, which uses the blades as aerofoils to change the direction of the stream and thus create a rotating force.
Figure 3. Turbine principles. Gas Turbine turbines use a mix of the Impulse and Reaction turbine principles. Source: Rolls-Royce.
In both cases, the Nozzles (the name for the stator vanes in a turbine) change the speed and direct the flow to the optimal speed and angle for the following rotor stage. Engine turbines normally use a combination of the Impulse and Reaction turbine principles to tune the work extraction and pressure loss over the stages to what is suitable for that part of the engine (high-pressure, low-pressure system).
As we explained before, the higher the combustion temperature and, thus, the volume expansion of the combustion gases, the more power the turbine section of a core can extract from the stream. That’s why every degree of temperature the turbine section can handle is such an important design parameter in gas turbine development. The higher the temperature increase, the smaller the core and thus the smaller, lighter the engine.
It leads to today’s HPT Nozzle entry temperatures (the so-called T41 or TIT, Turbine Inlet Temperature) of 1,600°C for short-haul and 1,800°C for long-haul engines. The stresses on the turbine nozzles and rotating stages at these gas temperatures are extreme.
In the next Cormers, we will examine how the combustor and turbine section are designed to withstand the extreme temperatures, pressures, gas speeds, and centrifugal forces on the rotating parts.
Thank you Bjorn for another amazing article, not making mistake if consider turbine as most important and expensive, especially from maintenance perspective.
“ That’s why the Low-Pressure Compressor has more stages and a larger diameter than …” – should there be Low-Pressure Turbine ?
And question – what is reason putting more HPT stages, which we see on LEAP compare to CFM56 ?
Thank you
Generically more stages equals more power extraction and higher performance. HPT stages are expensive. The CFM on the previous series enjoyed the maintenance and cost reduction of one stage
Of course, thanks!
So I didn’t answer your more stage question. There is a limit on how much power and thus pressure drop you can and shall extract from a stage, as you lose efficiency after a certain point. Dividing it into two stages costs more and makes for larger engines (longer turbines with more parts), but you gain in pressure to shaft power efficiency and thus fuel consumption of the engine.
The higher OPR of modern engines happens mostly in the HPC/HPT “inner” segment of the engine.
circulated power ( from HPT to HPC ) was increased quite a bit.
more compressor stages, more turbine power extraction to drive the higher compressor power demand.
LPT size in non geared engines is driven by Fan tip speed.
( lowish rpm -> more surfaces, more stages )
The T1 blade and Turbine Nozzle is often the main driver of engine removals on well developed engines. T1 blades are made of single crystal Nickel alloy and Cobalt alloys with internal cooling, corrosion protection inside and out with thermal barrier coatings on the outside. At overhaul all coatings (and a bit of base material) is stripped before weld repairs, corrosion protection coating often yttrium/alumium plasma vapor deposition and new TBC. The T2/IPT blade operates in a temperature where sulfur from salt likes to crystallize in its internal cooling passages (PW4000/Trent)
The prevailing trend any more is to move towards single use turbine airfoils as the wall thicknesses have been reduced to the point where repairs are no longer feasible
That was the norm on military engines to maximize cooling. Still an expensive way for turbine blades hitting $10,000 ea.
And hence my earlier comment about LEAP with 2 stage HPT. There was a reason the older version only had one stage.
Nothing in the HPT is cheap. The materials science behind operating at progressively higher temperatures is at the bleeding edge of turbofan technology development
Yes, you get a tad more efficiency out of a 2 stage HPT but the maintenance cost increase quite a bit. In the LPT at higher radius you have solid uncooled blades, cheaper tip sealing, not so hot running disks and the seals between stages are normally not life limited.
All 777xxs test aircraft grounded owning to cracking on engine mounts is the turbine see Air Current site for details.