Boeing’s 2012 Current Market Outlook

Randy Tinseth, VP Marketing for Boeing, outlined Boeing’s update for the Current Market Outlook for the 20 years from 2012-2031. Aircraft in the world fleet has nearly tripled from about 6,500 to more than 19,000 today. (We will… Read More

Odds and Ends: Coverage on Airbus’ Mobile move and other thoughts

Randy Tinseth, VPO of Marketing for Boeing, is always fast with the quip–via Flight Global’s Twitter: “Market is about product, people and customers, not the address on your business card.” Mobile Press-Register: general overview. Reuters: Unions aren’t happy–but… Read More

Searching for Amelia

Like many, we’re fascinated with the search for Amelia Earhart, which has resumed. Here are some articles. Reuters BBC Christian Science Monitor