Tonight’s IAM 751 vote on the Boeing 777X contract

The IAM International, which has put the local 751 leadership and media team on ice and which is running today’s election, says the results will be available around 9pm PST. International has announced that no media will be allowed in to watch the counting, except for a five minute photo op. Otherwise media will be kept in the parking lot.

We’ll be down there to follow the vote. Let’s hope there are some burn barrels in the parking lot to keep us warm.

Follow us tonight on Twitter @leehamnews

Update, 3pm: Now International has banned media altogether; no photo op even.

9 Comments on “Tonight’s IAM 751 vote on the Boeing 777X contract

  1. ” … Let’s hope there are some burn barrels in the parking lot to keep us warm….”

    Burn Barrels must meet environmental standards re emissions. May have to borrow the SPEEA version. :_PP

    Then again there may be enough heated rhetoric to turn the rain into steam ??

  2. Scott,

    Do we know if they usually release figures to indicate how close the vote is? Or do they just give an up/down result indication? Thanks!

    • In the past the figures have been released, but that’s when 751 Local was in charge. International is running this show and I have no idea.

      • I find this link of interest- whether or not it is true ..I dunno ..

        …”But Wroblewski and most business agents are now following the lead of the Machinists International, which strongly backs the proposal. The union’s lead bargainer in the secret talks was the retired legislative director of the International, who is unfamiliar with aerospace questions. International staffers are in the factories pushing the plan…. ”

        Methinks there is more than a little rotten in ….. ( insert place here )

  3. Hey Scott!

    I think you’re diggin’ this way too much!

    Keep up the good work…..


  4. Have the whinging unionistas made a decision yet on whether they keep their overpaid jobs or whether they join the ranks of the unemployed. Remember Twinkies anyone?

  5. Good job keeping all of us involved in this epic Event. You are doing a wanderfull Journalism here . Better Than everyelse. I do that Hopefully you Will be’ recognized enough .

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