How good will an Airbus A350F be? Part 2.

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By Bjorn Fehrm


July 22, 2021, © Leeham News: Last week, we compared the probable data for an Airbus A350 freighter with the market-leading Boeing 777F. We found the 777F is a heavy-duty freighter with a very high payload capability.

Airbus has to use the A350-1000 toolbox to design something similar. The aircraft would be shorter than a -1000, however, to optimize its efficiency. How much better in efficiency than the 777F would it be? We put both in our performance model and fly them from China to the US.

  • An Airbus A350 freighter has to come close to the 104t payload of the 777F.
  • Can it do that, it has convincing economics compared with the 777F.

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