FAA 737 inspection AD covers 175 jets

Note: Dominic Gates of The Seattle Times has a particularly thorough piece looking at this incident. The Wall Street Journal also has a good story on the topic. The New York Times has this story. Update, April 5:… Read More

Southwest Air’s second 737 decompression

Southwest Airlines suffered a second in-flight decompression of a Boeing 737-300 yesterday. This is the second–the first was in July 2009. Both airplanes were 15-year old 737-300s and the failure on both airplanes were in the aft fuselage…. Read More

Reports from ISTAT

We were at the ISTAT conference Monday and Tuesday, where 1,250 industry officials attended. We wrote several stories for Commercial Aviation Online. These are below:

Southwest loses Frontier bid

Southwest Airlines lost its bid to acquire Frontier Airlines in the bankruptcy auction this week. The bid was a long shot because its competition was Republic Holdings, a DIP lender to Frontier and the largest unsecured creditor.

Some good news for Boeing

Boeing could use some good news, following more revelations last week and this about the wing-body issues of the 787, and this is it. Southwest Airlines plans a $113m bid for bankrupt Frontier Airlines in an auction next… Read More

Boeing refreshes 737

Here are our stories from Commercial Aviation Online about the Boeing 737 refresh. The stories speak for themselves, and one of them gives the reaction of Southwest Airlines, Boeing’s biggest 737 customer. Our personal observations: the new interior,… Read More

“Excusable delay”

If anyone had any doubts about Boeing paying penalities for delays as a result of the 58-day IAM strike, in which the conventional wisdom was that Boeing did not, doubt is removed with this contract language we found… Read More