The P2F freighters, 767-300ER versus A330-200 or -300?

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By Bjorn Fehrm


August 12, 2021, © Leeham News: In our series about freighters, we now look at Cargo companies operating early Boeing 767-200 freighters that look at a replacement for these. Shall it be a 767-300ER or an Airbus A330-200 or -300 conversion freighter?

We use our performance model to understand their characteristics and operational efficiencies.

A Boeing 767 is converted to a freighter. Source: IAI Bedek.

  • Both the 767-300ER and A330-200/-300 early passenger models will provide ample feed-stock for freighters going forward, as these reach sunset age and can be acquired for the low cost required for a P2F freighter.
  • Which of these freighters are suitable for what type of freight? And what is their efficiency in such operations? We compare them using our performance model.

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