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By Bjorn Fehrm
February 7, 2022, © Leeham News: The year that passed was when Sustainability broke through the walls of “I’m not convinced we have a problem” and “If so, what shall we do about it.”
The declarations ahead of, at, and after COP26 in Glasgow, United Nations 26’th climate conference, had many major states and organizations commit to targets for the reduction of Greenhouse gases by 2030 and 2050.
With this change in mind and traction, what can we expect to see in 2022 from the Air Transport industry?
Idea for Sustainable Air Transport, a hydrogen regional. Source: Sustainable Aero Lab.
- The years that passed were run-up years. Now the preparations shall lead to the first results.
- We summarize what we can expect to see during 2022.
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