We flew in a new American Airlines (operated by Republic Airways) Embraer E-Jet E1 on our way to the Pratt & Whitney media day and noticed the difference immediately with the E-Jet” Classic.”
It’s the “passenger experience.”
The E-Jet Classic had overhead bins that were better than the Bombardier CRJ and Embraer ERJ but non as good as the Airbus A320, Boeing 737 or the forthcoming Bombardier CSeries. The bins could accept larger bags than could the CRJ and ERJ but not as big as the other jets. The port side bin in the E-Jet Classic was a narrow little thing that we joked could accept your water bottle and that was about it.
The new E-Jet E1 Enhanced bins are much better. While the port side first class isn’t as big as the starboard side, it now accepts briefcases, tote bags and small backpacks. The star board bin easily accepts roller backs sized for three nights away, though Airbus, Boeing and CSeries still have an advantage.
Category: Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier, CSeries, Embraer
Tags: 737, A320, Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier, CSeries, E-Jet E1, E-Jet E1 Class, E-jet E1 Enhanced, Embraer
Welcome to the real world! The E-jets are for passengers a giant step forward from the CRJs et ERJs (to be fair).
This is why Air Canada’s decision to trade E-Jets for 737 is not a wise one: not better confort and higher operating costs.
Doesn’t LOOK all that much different, but I’ll believe they are bigger.
P.S. Three nights? I regularly do a full week with a single (legal) carry-on!
News from ILA:
Airbus announces E-Concept all-electric-airplane, 80 passengers for up to 3 hours flights using electric turbines. First prototype expected in 2024.
If they manage to get that working that could be a killer product.
Source (google translate): http://translate.google.de/translate?hl=de&sl=de&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.golem.de%2Fnews%2Fairbus-e-concept-das-linienflugzeug-wird-elektrisch-1405-106638.html