737 MAX: Boeing Frontiers Magazine has a long article with lots of pictures describing the designing process of the Advanced Technology Winglets.
RR-PW on big engines: Aviation Week has this article speculating on the prospect of Rolls-Royce and Pratt & Whitney teaming to offer an engine for the Boeing 777X.
CFM says the use of advanced materials will reduce fuel consumption in the LEAP-1A (Airbus) engine by 1.5%, which happens to be the amount John Leahy of Airbus said that PW’s GTF has an advantage over LEAP.
Odds and Ends: Airbus Wants A380 Cost Cuts
Airbus executives have said they expect that by 2015, for the first time, the cost of building each A380 will be less than its sales price.
CFM and CMCs:
aren’t those 1.5% ( or a bit more ) the “shovel of coals” they had added to the specs to siddle up to the GTF?. This news then is about the how of achieving advertised specs and not a further increase in specs, right?
Pratt is also working on CMC in West Palm Beach. They seem to be dismissing and developing it at the same time.
The the PW1000-1400 seems conservative apart from the gearbox.
CFM needs CFCs to achieve their targets with acceptable on wing time.
P&W does not. Simple.