Boeing outsourcing: In an election where outsourcing is a major political campaign issue, The Seattle Times reports Boeing wants to outsource more work to Mexico. Here is Boeing’s letter, via The Times.
MAX v NEO: Here is an excellent set of tables updating the orders between the 737 MAX and the A320 NEO. According to the analysis, Airbus right now has a 63% market share for the airframe. On the NEO, where two engines are offered, CFM has a 41% share vs PW’s 39% share with the remainder undecided.
Is there going to be any movement this year on the AA order for 130 MOU + 365 option A-32X-OEO/NEO and the 100 MOU + 60 option B-737MAX? These orders may be going no where until after there exit from bankruptcy. I understand AA and US will also begin formal merger talks in the next few weeks and that may effect the NEO/MAX MOU/options, too.
When did PW switch to GE style carbon titanium fans for their geared turbofan?
I especially like the last graph in the Max v. Neo reference.
It shows that as time passes and the NEO’s earlier launch date become more marginal, the airframers are inching towards a 50-50 market share.
I never trust chart analysts. As time passes we will see the “real” NEO/MAX relation. This relation may look even better for MAX after Airbus offers a NAO ( A for aircraft).
Interesting to note, that Airbus has a healthy lead in all regions except North America, which always was a strong region for Boeing. That shows that the current relationship would even be worse for Boeing if the strong North American demand (caused by years in inaction) wouldn’t tilt the picture.
Parallels to the automotive industry ?