Chinese and Russian Widebody takes shape. Part 3.
By Bjorn Fehrm
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January 25, 2018, © Leeham Co.: In the second article about the new Chinese/Russian widebody, CR929, we looked at the size of the aircraft and its passenger capacity. The CR929 can be best described as a shorter range version of Boeing's 787-9. We also presented the chosen technologies for the project.
Now we continue and look at the challenges the aircraft poses to the involved manufacturers. Neither of them (COMAC of China and United Aircraft of Russia) have developed and certified an aircraft like the CR929 before.
- The Chinese and Russian widebody program has high ambitions. The structure shall be composites and the systems state of the art.
- We now go through the aircraft's chosen technologies and review what experience base the Chinese and Russian aeronautical industry has and what challenges they will face.
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Category: Airbus, Boeing, China, Comac, Irkut, Premium, Rolls-Royce, United Aircraft, United Engine Corp.
Tags: 787-9, A320, A350, Airbus, Boeing, C R929, C919, MC-21, SSJ-100