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Part 2. Part 1 may be found here.
Bombardier invented the regional jet. Despite some sales these days, the CRJ was eclipsed by the Embraer J-Jet. Bombardier photo.
Oct. 10, 2016, © Leeham Co.: Regional aircraft are much riskier assets for lessors than mainline aircraft.
Until recently, Bombardier and Embraer were the only two regional jet Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs).
Today, the Sukhoi SSJ100 and the Mitsubishi MRJ90 join BBD and EMB in this arena.
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Category: Airlines, American Airlines, Bombardier, CSeries, Delta Air Lines, Embraer, Mitsubishi, Pratt & Whitney, Premium, Sukhoi, United Airlines, US Airways
Tags: American Airlines, Bombardier, C-110, C-130, Continental Airlines, CRJ, CSeries, Delta Air Lines, E-Jet, Embraer, ERJ, GTF, Mitsubishi, MRJ90, Pratt & Whitney, SSJ100, Sukhoi, United Airlines, US Airways