The CEO of Republic Airways Holdings seems to be vying to be America’s version of U-Turn Al, Akbar Al-Baker, the CEO of Qatar Airways. Bedford appears to be engaged in a campaign to raise questions about the Bombardier… Read More
Posted on March 15, 2012 by Scott Hamilton
Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier, CFM, CSeries, Embraer, Pratt & Whitney
737-700, 747-8F, 787, A319, A319neo, A320NEO, A350, Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier, Bryan Bedford, Cargolux, CFM, CSeries, E-190, E-195, Embraer, GTF, LEAP, Pratt & Whitney, Qatar Airways, Republic Airways, U-Turn Al
Reuters has this interesting story from Airbus and a focus on selling the A320ceo (Current Engine Option) to fill in production slots in 2015-17 (2013-14 slots are sold out) while waiting for the A320neo (New Engine Option) production… Read More
Posted on March 7, 2012 by Scott Hamilton