By Chris Sloan
January 23, 2025 © Leeham News: Today, GE Aerospace reported a strong beat on its first full-year and fourth-quarter results as a standalone public company. Softer LEAP deliveries were more than offset by services.
“GE continues to demonstrate what a high-quality company can produce in a healthy aerospace environment – and that the aero aftermarket is far from dead,” said a Vertical Research Partners analyst report. Nearly eight years since LEAP’s EIS, the engine’s durability and reliability are beginning to catch up with fuel efficiency gains that continue to beat and exceed operational expectations. The world’s largest engine, the GE9X, is progressing toward next year’s launch under the wing of the world’s largest twin, the Boeing 777X.
Overall, demand continues to outstrip supply. The company touted orders for more than 4,600 commercial and defensive engines led by big LEAP-1B wins from American Airlines and El Al for 737 MAXs, GEnx-1B campaign victories for Royal Jordanian and British Airways 787s, and new GE9X orders from China Airlines. The entry-into-service of the first LEAP-powered Airbus A321XLR was another highlight. Supply chains and productivity, though still challenged, showed meaningful improvement powered by the engine maker’s so-called “Flight Deck lean operating model.”
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By Scott Hamilton
Jan. 23, 2025, © Leeham News: Earnings season begins today. Among the companies followed by LNA, GE Aerospace and Hexcel report today. RTX and Boeing report next week. ATI and Spirit AeroSystems follow the week after. Other suppliers follow then.
Airbus doesn’t report until Feb. 20. Rolls-Royce reports on Feb. 27.
The manufacturers draw the headlines, but LNA found long ago that the supply chain often provides better information to draw conclusions about the future than listening to the OEMs. All it takes is one supplier to fall down on the job to muck up the works for the OEMs.
That’s not to say listening to the OEMs is not important. Clearly, it is. But there’s just no getting around it: the credibility of many of the OEMs is damaged. Airbus hasn’t hit its production ramp up targets in years. Quality control suffers. And deliveries are consistently late.
Steven Udvar-Hazy, executive chairman of the board for Air Lease Corp, says that every single Airbus aircraft, 250 of them, has been late since 2017. That’s long before the pandemic began in March 2020, which caused such disruption continuing to this day. Airbus was still delivering A320ceos during 2017 and 2018, which didn’t have engine issues.
Boeing’s credibility speaks for itself. It doesn’t matter that it has a new CEO. Until Boeing starts performing, anything it currently says is hope, not performance. Post-strike delivery recovery will be an important indicator of Boeing’s performance in the essentially truncated fourth quarter and January.
Suppliers often discuss information on their earnings calls that provides a better understanding of production rates at the OEMs and where downstream issues are or are emerging.
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By Scott Hamilton
Jan. 20, 2025, © Leeham News: The A321neo continues its climb as the dominant single-aisle airplane in the Airbus family.
Figure 1. Airbus A321neo deliveries overtook all its single-aisle deliveries beginning in 2023 and continued to climb last year. Credit: Leeham News.
Given Boeing’s continued inability to deliver its 737 MAX single aisles at pre-grounding rates in early 2019 and the inability to certify and deliver the MAX 7 and MAX 10, comparisons are irrelevant.
The A321neo became Airbus’ dominant narrowbody aircraft in 2023. The upward trajectory gained momentum last year. The A321 is compared with the A320neo, the largely irrelevant A319neo, and the A220. A220 deliveries are overwhelmingly for the -300 model, with the -100 model, like the A319, largely irrelevant.
Airbus wants to increase production of the A320 family to 75 per month by 2027. It has studied boosting rates to 83 per month. Supply chain and engine delivery constraints caused Airbus to push the 75 rate to the right. There is no projected date for increasing to rate 83.
Airbus also wants to increase production of the A220 to 14/mo next year. Supply chain and engine delivery issues have also hurt boosting rates. Regardless, the goal of 14/mo next year seems unrealistic, given the current rate, which is believed to be around six or seven a month.
January 17, 2025, ©. Leeham News: We do a Corner series about the state of developments to replace or improve hydrocarbon propulsion concepts for Air Transport. We try to understand why the development has been slow.
We have covered why the technical progress of battery-based aircraft has been slow. Now we look at what type of missions it can do this decade and beyond and why the limitations.
Figure 1. The Diamond eDA40 electric trainer. Source: Diamond. Read more
By the Leeham News Team
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Jan. 16, 2025, © Leeham News: The short-body Boeing 787-8s have a problem when they come off lease. They aren’t as efficient people haulers as their larger cousins, the -9 and the -10.
Understanding that, what is their future? 1) Re-lease them to another operator or extend the current leases, both at very favorable rates, to get something out of them. 2) Reduce them to spares, which could work for a few to fill the spare parts pipeline, but after that the spares value really starts dropping as supply goes up. 3) P2F freighter conversions.
Of the choices, a P2F program seems the best way to extract value out of the airframes. The key to making it work is conversion cost. There have been some fairly solid rumblings that Boeing has either completed the conversion engineering package or, in fact, started to offload the planning to Boeing of India to get the package executed. Boeing says there is no current engineering underway but would not comment on previous work.
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Let’s look at what it takes from the P to the F.
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By Colleen Mondor
Jan. 13, 2025, © Leeham News: When discussing the topic of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) staffing, it is traditionally Air Traffic Controllers that command media attention. Even when problems surfaced after the Boeing 737 MAX accidents in 2018-19, and following the Jan. 5, 2024, door plug failure on Alaska Airlines flight 1282, the discussion of FAA oversight remained narrow, focused only on Boeing.
Staffing levels within Flight Standards District Offices (FSDO) and how they impact commercial operations, especially among Part 135 operators, are rarely mentioned. (Part 135 operators are commuter airlines and on-demand companies.) And yet it is the inspectors for operations, maintenance, and avionics who can have the greatest positive impact on flight safety or, when absent, the most detrimental.
Between 2019 and 2023, there were 330 accidents involving Part 135 operators. (More than 100 occurred while operating under Part 91 or Part 133. Part 91 are individuals and corporate operators. Part 133 covers rotorcraft external operations.) In 11 of them, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) conducted extensive interviews with FAA inspectors. Such interviews are largely the only way to obtain direct information on inspectors’ feelings about staffing and workload concerns. Their experiences vary, with Alaska standing out with the most severe staff shortages. A common theme is not having enough time to conduct in-person visits.
January 10, 2025, ©. Leeham News: We do a Corner series about the state of developments to replace or improve hydrocarbon propulsion concepts for Air Transport. We try to understand why the development has been slow.
We listed the different projects in the second Corner of the series that have come as far as flying a functional model or prototype. In Part 3, we went through some of the causes of the slow growth. It was a mix of inexperienced startup managments, all wanting to be the new Elon Musk but lacking elementary knowledge in the aeronautical field, to what is the real hard part of an alternative propulsion concept.
Many startups developed new electric motors for eAirplane or eVTOL use, a relatively straightforward development when the real hard part is the batteries. We described how batteries differ significantly from fuel as an energy source in Part 3.
Now, we add a market aspect that is poorly understood by most players.
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By Scott Hamilton
Jan. 9, 2025, © Leeham News: Boeing will cease production of its important 767F and 777F freighters in two years. Emission rules approved in 2017 by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and adopted by the Federal Aviation Administration means these aircraft will be non-compliant beginning in 2028. As a consequence, production must cease.
Boeing has a solution to replace the 777F: the 777X family’s -8F is now targeted for entry into service (EIS) in 2028. Many believe that this date is squishy due to repeated delays in the 777X program. The aircraft still isn’t certified. The lead model, the passenger 777-9, was supposed to enter service as early as December 2019. Now, Boeing hopes to deliver the first -9s in 2026. This date remains uncertain, however.
The 777-8F is the next in the family, followed in 2030 by the ultra-long-haul 777-8 passenger model.
Boeing asked the US Congress for an exemption to allow the 767F, based on the -300ER passenger frame, to continue production after 2027. Congress approved the request. But with no orders after 2027 anyway, Boeing’s new CEO Kelly Ortberg announced in October that the production of the 767F will end in 2027. (Production of the KC-46A US Air Force refueling tanker, based on the 767-200ER, will continue.)
The market is ready for a 787 freighter to replace the 767F. But is Boeing ready to launch a program?
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By Scott Hamilton
Jan. 6, 2025, © Leeham News: Don’t look for any dramatic new product launches in 2025.
Nor should you expect any dramatic news, absent global upheaval of some kind.
This year is going to be yet another year dominated by recovery. Recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, which officially ended in 2022. Recovery by the supply chain. Recovery for Pratt & Whitney’s nearly decade-long problems with its Pure Power GTF engines supplying the Airbus A220, A320 family and Embraer E2 jets. Recovery by Airbus from its production and delivery delays. Recovery by Boeing from its series of self-inflicted crises, now beginning the sixth year.
There is just no getting around the fact that the commercial aerospace industry isn’t a smooth-running industry. It’s a long way from 2018, when all sectors were running smoothly. There is still a long way to go to recovery.
Here’s LNA’s take on what’s to come this year.
By Scott Hamilton
Jan. 3, 2025, © Leeham News: Boeing today issued an update on its year-long effort to improve safety protocols in the final assembly lines of the 7-Series commercial airplanes.
However, the update received lukewarm reviews from one of its leading unions and some retired employees charged with safety protocols who had complained for years about the safety culture.
Boeing has opposed a safety plan proposed by the engineers’ union, SPEEA. No meeting has been held since March 26 last year, and none is scheduled.
The update comes two days before the first anniversary of the Alaska Airlines Flight 1282 in-flight blow out of a door plug on a brand new 737-9 MAX. The airplane had taken off from the Portland (OR) airport and was passing through 16,000 ft when the plug on the left side aft of the wing blew off the airplane.
Nobody was sitting in the two seats next to the plug. A teenager in the row in front of the plug was nearly sucked out of the plane. There were minor injuries and damage from the decompression throughout the cabin and cockpit. The plane made a safe emergency landing minutes later.
The cause was traced to line assembly personnel’s failure to reinstall four bolts holding the plug in place. The plug eventually shifted in its track and separated from the aircraft. The plug blowout also blew up Boeing’s recovery efforts from the 2018-19 MAX crisis following two fatal crashes. These were traced to a design flaw with a flight system known as MCAS.
In its report issued today, Boeing said that it has: