Two of the Middle East’s most aggressively growing airlines said charges that they benefit from government subsidies, artificially low fuel prices, cheap airport facilities and preferential financing refuted these charges at the World Routes conference in Chicago this… Read More
Odds and Ends: Coming soon–new Leeham News; Boeing v SPEEA; 86-seat Q400; Boeing 326; Budapest Air Show
Coming soon: We will be rolling out changes this month to Leeham News and Comment. We will expand our News and Analysis, providing the most insightful commentary of aviation issues of any on-line publication. Most on-line news resources… Read More
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Posted on September 30, 2014 by Scott Hamilton
Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier, IAM 751, International Association of Machinists, Leeham News and Comment, SPEEA
777 Classic, 777X, A330neo, A350-1000, Boeing, Boeing 314, Boeing 326, Bombardier, Budapest Air Show, IAM 751, International Association of Machinists, Leeham News and Comment, Q400, Q400 Combi, SPEEA
A350 certified; we provide a comprehensive program review
Airbus’ most recent all-new aircraft, the A350 has achieved civil airline airworthiness certification from EASA today September 30, FAA certification will follow. It marks an end to an eight year program to develop an all-new airliner in the… Read More
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Posted on September 30, 2014 by Bjorn Fehrm
Airbus, Boeing
A350, Airbus, Boeing, Rolls-Royce
Air Berlin 787 cancellation potentially gives Boeing big advantage in Delta order competition
The announcement last week that AirBerlin canceled orders for 15 Boeing 787s gives Boeing an unexpected, big advantage in the contest for a big wide-body order from Delta Air Lines–depending on when Delta wants the airplanes. The competition… Read More
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Posted on September 29, 2014 by Scott Hamilton
Airbus, Airlines, Boeing, GE Aviation, Rolls-Royce
787-9, A330-900, A330neo, A350-900, AirBerlin, Airbus, Boeing, Delta Air Lines, Farnborough Air Show, GE Aviation, GEnx, Rolls-Royce, Trent 1000, Trent XWB
Assessing the wide-body and narrow-body freighters
This column has been updated since distribution to our e-mail recipients Sept. 22. There is an emerging demand to replace aging small- and medium-size wide-body freighters, but with limited choices to replace them. Airbus A310Fs and A300Fs are… Read More
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Posted on September 28, 2014 by Scott Hamilton
Airbus, Boeing, Irkut
737-300F, 737-400F, 737-800F, 747-8F, 757F, 757P2F, 767-300ER, 767-300ERF, 777F, A320F, A320P2F, A321F, A321P2F, A330-200F, Aeronautical Engineers Inc, Airbus, Boeing, Boeing Converted Freighters, DHL, FedEx, Irkut, MD-80F, UPS
Odds and Ends: Bombardier signs Macquarie Airfinance for 40+10 CS300s; 787 fire suppression
Big CSeries order: Bombardier today announced a firm order for 40 CS300s with options for 10 more with lessor Macquarie Airfinance. This brings firm orders to 243 and orders and commitments to 563. This is the order that… Read More
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Posted on September 26, 2014 by Scott Hamilton
Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier, CSeries
737, 787, A320, Bombardier, CS300, CSeries, Macquarie Airfinance
Odds and Ends: Comparing Airbus, Boeing 20-year forecasts; A320neo first flight; 787 battery probe fizzles; Mythbusting
Airbus v Boeing forecasts: The Blog by Javier takes its annual look at and comparison of the Airbus and Boeing 20-year forecasts. Airbus issued its new forecast this week; Boeing’s annual update was issued last summer. Separately, the… Read More
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Posted on September 25, 2014 by Scott Hamilton
Airbus, Boeing, CFM, Pratt & Whitney
737, 787, A320NEO, Airbus, Airbus Global Market Forecast, CFM, CFM LEAP, Pratt & Whitney, Pratt & Whitney GTF
Odds and Ends: wrap-up from ISTAT Europe Conference; Airbus Group joins Aerion to create biz-jet.
The European 2014 ISTAT conference took place in Istanbul Monday and Tuesday. We have reported elsewhere on the presentations by Airbus and Boeing, here follows three interesting tidbits from the rest of the conference. We also comment on… Read More
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Posted on September 23, 2014 by Bjorn Fehrm
Airbus, Uncategorized
A320, A320NEO, Airbus
ISTAT Europe Conference in Istanbul: Boeing and Airbus slugging it out with some new twists
Airbus and Boeing squared off once again Monday, this time at the ISTAT Europe conference in Istanbul, once again pretty much over the entire product lines. Boeing’s VP Marketing Randy Tinseth began with two focal points, the 737… Read More
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Posted on September 22, 2014 by Bjorn Fehrm
Airbus, Boeing, CFM, Pratt & Whitney
737 MAX, 747-8, 777-300ER, 777-9, 777X, 787, A330, A330neo, A350, A380, Airbus, Boeing, CFM, GTF, John Leahy, Pratt & Whitney, Randy Tinseth
Etihad, Emirates refute charges of favoritism from government owners
Two of the Middle East’s most aggressively growing airlines said charges that they benefit from government subsidies, artificially low fuel prices, cheap airport facilities and preferential financing refuted these charges at the World Routes conference in Chicago this… Read More
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Posted on September 22, 2014 by Scott Hamilton
Airlines, Boeing
777-300ER, airlines, Boeing, Delta Air Lines, Emirates Airlines, Etihad Airlines, ExIm Bank, Kevin Knight, Tim Clark
The airline industry is changing and acting like real businesses to return value for shareholders
“Our industry is changing and acting like real businesses to return value for shareholders.” It’s a remarkable statement when you think about it. But this is how Jim Compton, vice chairman of United Airlines, led off at the… Read More
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Posted on September 22, 2014 by Scott Hamilton
Airlines, Embraer
Airline Passenger Experience, airlines, E-175, Embraer, Jim Compton, United Airlines
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